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This page can only be accessed by subscribers to the Tier 1: Music District Broadcast Benefactor and higher tiers. Subscribe now to get access.



A Web3 music network and discovery channel with global distribution across radio, OTT, smart devices, and virtual platforms. Pioneering a Web3 music broadcasting network, we expand reach across platforms and blockchains. We facilitate the growth and awareness of each other's projects by showcasing community and music NFTs in our broadcasts. This broadcast model is fueled by the community, allowing us to focus time and technology on the artists and communities that people choose to support. This ensures full control over the content and messaging we create together. Think of it as a unique blend between PBS and MTV.   

By subscribing, you are showing support for Web3 music, artists, and music communities. Your monthly support fosters the ongoing growth and development of Web3 music broadcasting

Choose a subscription supporter tier and enjoy a variety of exclusive rewards, including:

  • Access to Exclusive Coverage and LIVE Broadcasts:  
  • Early Access
  • Merchandise Discounts: Save on your favorite Music District® gear.
  • Mentions in broadcasts  for your support.

WELCOME. Come On in….


Artists!  Featured Your Videos on the Web3 Music Network.

Subscribe and submit your music video (file or link) along with your X profile and other social media accounts to the Music District. Send your submissions here.